Explain the concept of Sparse Vector
#concept of sparse vector in spark , #definition sparse vector ,#spark vector example, #sparse vector #spark example ,#sparse vector representation
A sparse vector is represented by two parallel arrays: indices and values. Zero entries are not stored. A dense vector is backed by a double array representing its entries. For example, a vector [1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 3.] can be represented in the sparse format as (7, [0, 6], [1., 3.]), where 7 is the size of the vector, as illustrated below:
it is best to represent the vector (a one-dimensional array of numbers) as a sparse vector to maximise storage and computing efficiency.They are a crucial concept in many fields, allowing efficient handling of data with a significant number of zero elements.
Take the Python API as an example. MLlib recognizes the following types as dense vectors:
[1, 2, 3].
and the following as sparse vectors:
with a single column.We recommend using NumPy arrays over lists for efficiency, and using the factory methods implemented in Vectors to create sparse vectors.
import scipy.sparse as sp
# Create a sparse vector using CSR format
sparse_vector = sp.csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr), shape=(1, n))
In conclusion, sparse vectors are a mathematical representation that optimises memory use by only storing non-zero elements, making them suitable for dealing with high-dimensional data and enhancing computing performance in particular processes..A sparse vector is a mathematical and computational concept used to represent a vector (a one-dimensional array of numbers) in a way that optimizes storage and computational efficiency.