can we pass parameter or environment variable to Spark job?

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#environment variable Spark job? #Example of using spark-submit with --conf to pass parameters and JVM options in a Spark job.

can we pass  parameter or environment variable to Spark job?

How to Pass Parameters or Environment Variables to a Spark Job

These options allow you to set JVM or java  options for the driver or executor processes, respectively.
function of your application using the --conf 
command-line option followed by spark.driver.extraJavaOptions or spark.executor.extraJavaOptions
Arguments passed before the .jar file will be arguments to the JVM, 
 as arguments passed after the jar file will be passed on to the user's program.
I am using  to run a scala class with the main function with program arguments (String[] args).

Passing parameters or environment variables to a Spark job is a common requirement for configuring runtime behavior dynamically. Whether you're setting JVM options for the driver or executor processes or passing arguments to your application, understanding the correct approach is crucial for optimal performance and flexibility.

In this guide, we’ll explore the best practices for passing parameters to Spark jobs using spark-submit, environment variables, and configuration options.

Methods to Pass Parameters to a Spark Job

1. Using --conf for JVM Options

The --conf flag in spark-submit allows you to set JVM options for the driver or executor processes. You can use:

  • spark.driver.extraJavaOptions: To pass JVM arguments to the Spark driver.
  • spark.executor.extraJavaOptions: To pass JVM arguments to Spark executors.


spark-submit --class com.example.MySparkApp \
    --master local \
    --conf "spark.driver.extraJavaOptions=-DmyArg1=value1 -DmyArg2=value2" \
    mysparkapp.jar arg1 arg2

In this example:

  • myArg1 and myArg2 are JVM options for the driver process.
  • arg1 and arg2 are passed as program arguments.

2. Passing Program Arguments to the Spark Application

Arguments passed after the .jar file in spark-submit are forwarded to your application's main function.

Scala Example:

object MyScalaApp {
    def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
        println(s"Argument 1: ${args(0)}")  // Prints "arg1"
        println(s"Argument 2: ${args(1)}")  // Prints "arg2"
        // Implement your Spark application logic here

3. Using Environment Variables

You can also set environment variables before submitting the Spark job:

export MY_ENV_VAR=value
spark-submit --class com.example.MySparkApp \
    --master local \

Inside your application, access the environment variable using:

val myEnvVar = sys.env.getOrElse("MY_ENV_VAR", "defaultValue")

Best Practices for Parameter Handling in Spark

  1. Use Configurations for Flexibility

    • Store configurations in external properties files and load them dynamically.
    • Use spark.conf.get("configKey") to fetch configuration values.
  2. Validate Input Parameters

    • Always check for null or empty values before using input arguments.
  3. Avoid Hardcoding Values

    • Use environment variables or configuration files instead of hardcoding values in your application.


Passing parameters and environment variables to a Spark job is essential for dynamic and scalable Spark applications. Whether using --conf, program arguments, or environment variables, choosing the right approach ensures better maintainability and performance of your Spark jobs.

By following these best practices, you can effectively manage runtime configurations and optimize your Spark job execution.

